Small Block Serpentine Accessory Drive Belt System With Air Conditioning -12497698
Deluxe kit includes all the components and hardware necessary to install on an engine with air conditioning, including water pump, alternator, power steering pump and idler bracket; belt included.
The system includes:
Alternator Assembly
Power Steering Pump
Water Pump Kit
A/C Compressor
A/C Compressor Bracket
Water Outlet
Crankshaft Pulley
Belt (water pump, A/C, alternator)
Belt (fan, water pump, A/C)
Idler Pulley
Fan and Water Pump Pulley
Thermal Bypass Hose Connector
Heater Hose
Power Steering Pump Pulley
Power Steering Bracket (tall deck)
Alternator Bracket
Alternator/Power Steering Bracket